quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2020

Immediate Future Going to

Resumo do Futuro com GOING TO
O going to é uma expressão utilizada no inglês para falar de planos e intenções futuras.
Ele é usado quando a pessoa já decidiu o que vai fazer. Ou seja, quando uma ação já está planejada e irá acontecer num futuro próximo.

Para fazer o futuro com o going to, iremos precisar do verbo to be, AM/ARE/IS


Confira abaixo as regras de formação do going to:
Afirmativa (Affirmative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am going to work. (Eu irei trabalhar)
Negativa (Negative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + not + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am not going to work. (Eu não irei trabalhar)
Interrogativa (Interrogative Form): verbo to be + sujeito + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”
Exemplo: Am I going to work? (Eu irei trabalhar?)
I am going to
I am not going to
Am I going to?
You are going to
You are not going to
Are you going to?
He is going to
He is not going to
Is he going to?
She is going to
She is not going to
Is she going to?
It is going to
It is not going to
Is it going to?
We are going to
We are not going to
Are we going to?
You are going to
You are not going to
Are you going to?
They are going to
They are not going to
Are they going to?
Obs: é comum os usos das contrações nas frases afirmativas e negativas:
Affirmative Form
Negative Form
I am – I’m
I’m not
You are – You’re
You aren’t
He is – He’s
He isn’t
She is – She’s
She isn’t
It is – It’s
It isn’t
We are – We’re
You aren’t
You are – You’re
We aren’t
They are – They’re
They aren’t

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